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Changing Room 换房(酒店常用英语)

发奋学习网| http://www.ff70.com |酒店英语外语|人气:370次| 12-21
Changing Room 换房(酒店常用英语)

Changing Room    换房

-This room is rather dark.(The light in this room is dim.) I want a brighter one,if you please.

-This room is not in a good direction(location).May I move to another rooms?

-This suite is too big,Im afraid.Could you change me to a single room?

-This room is too noisy.Can I move to another which is more quiet?

-Please get contact with the service counter.The clerks there

www.ff70.com deal with room changing.

-The rooms are all occupied today.It is difficult to change the room for you right away.I'll change it for you tomorrow.Is that all right?

-Please render your help and change the room tomorrow.-那请你多关照,明天再换吧。

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