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ETHER 网络出错信息

发奋学习网| http://www.ff70.com |软件技巧|人气:456次| 12-21
ETHER 网络出错信息 999 is the max message number信件已达到最多数量(最大的信件量是999)
        A user with the name xxx exists on xxx用户名不正确
        A vatue must be supplied 此处必须提供参数
        A value must be supplied遗漏了参数值
        Address must be 12 hex digits以太网地址必须为12位16进制数
        Appears to be an invalid messageES内部错误(呈现的是一个无效信件)
        Application program and server interrupt vector conflict
        At beginning光标已在信箱的第一个输入位置
        At end 光标已在信箱的最后一个输入位置
        Bad/HOLD option选定的参数不正确
        Bab character参数中有非法字符
        Bad character名字中的字符不正确
        Bad key输入的键不正确
        Bad printer number;value mast be 1 or 2打印机号不正确;其值 必须是1或2
        Bad server, user name format服务器与用户名的格式不正确
        Bad user, volume name format用户名与卷名的格式不正确
        Can't close file 关闭文件时出错(不能关闭文件)
        Can't close the attachment关闭附加文件时出错(不能关闭附加文件)
        Can't colse the message关闭消息文件时出错(不能关闭消息文件)
        Can't copy within marked area不能把标记区作为复制目标
        Can't create a message file信箱已满(不能生成信件)
        Can't create an attachment file信箱已满(不能生成附加文件)
        Can't create file不能生成指定的文件
        Can't create the directory file设备故障或空间不足(不能生成目录文件)
        Can't delete that file内部错误(不能删除指定的文件)
        Can't exceed 999 as the max message number on drive x:
        Can't find user USER找不到此用户
        Can't forward an attachment不能转发附加文件
        Can't forward an in progress message不能转发“正处理”的信件
        Can't have more than 200 recipients收信人太多(收信人不能超过200人)
        Can't have more than 26 attachment files
        Can't link to an assigned drive不能连接用DOS ASSIGN定义过的设备
        Can't locate网络服务器中找不到指定的名字
        Can't open attachment file FILE
        Can't open the  file软盘故障或服务器忙(不能打开文件)
        Can't open ZZMAIL.COM
        Can't read that file软盘故障或服务器忙(不能读指定的文件)
        Can't read the attechment软盘故障或服务器忙(不能读指定的附加文件)
        Can't read the attachment from the server
        Can't read the current message 不能读当前信件
        Can't read the directory不能读MAIL.DIR目录
        Can't read the message from the server
        Can't reply to an in progress message不能对“正处理”信件回信
        Can't write the attachment软盘故障或服务器忙(不能写指定的附加文件)
        Can't write the directory软盘故障,服务器忙或盘卷已满(不能写指定的目录
        Can't write the message软盘故障,服务器忙或盘卷已满(不能写指定的信件)
        Can't write to the server邮件未发到服务器(邮件不能写入服务器)
        Cannot use a printer name
        Caution at least one server did not respond, so a duplicate user name may result, add user any way(Y/N)?
        Caution:overlaying default drive x:提示把卷连接到缺省设备上
        Close-error reading dir sector磁盘错误(读目录区出错)
        Cross server access failed访问未注册的服务器失败
        Directory full, max of 110 messages信箱已满,最大量是110
        Drive id and /or file name required
        Drive not ready 软盘故障或ES服务器忙(驱动器未就绪)
        Drive write protected软盘写保护
        Drive X: does not contain a mall directory, create one (Y/N)?
        Drive X: in use ... ok to UNLINK (Y/N)?提问是否终止连接
        Drive X: not ready驱动器故障或ES服务器忙(驱动器或ES服务器未就绪)
        Drive X: write protected驱动器写保护
        Duplicate header多次使用信件的标题域(复制标题)
        Enter /1 or /2, 64kb-32000kb or 1mb-32mb文卷长度的提示
        Enter /p for pause列目录时可用/P暂停
        Enter /pub, /priv or /shar提示输入存取类型的参数
        Enter /w for wide listing提示输入/W可用来显示宽目录
        Enter only one value输入的数值数超限(输入一个数值)
        Enter only one value命令中的参数太多
        Error setting up the forwarded message
        Error setting up the new message软盘故障或ES服务器忙(建立新信件出错)
        Error setting up the reply软盘故障或ES服务器忙(生成回信出错)
        Error writing to FILE设备已满或文件太多(写入文件出错)
        Error in setting initial directory磁盘错误(建立目录出错)
        Error xxH occurred on read in lookup, sector xxH, count xxH, drive x.
        Error xxH occurred on write in flushit, sector xxH, drive x
        Error xxH occurred on write in writs, section xxH, drive x
        Ethernet drive not loaded使用EP命令前未用ES引导
        Ethernet driver not loaded运行EM前未用ES/DOS盘重新引导
        Ethernet driver not loaded应当用ES/DOS盘重新引导
        Ethershare servicing other usersES正处理其它用户,稍候
        Failure formatting volume格式化失败
        Fatal internal error-recursion occurred
        FILE already exists指定的文件已存在
        Folder drive x:not formatted新信箱未格式化
        Folder drive x:not ready软盘故障或ES服务器忙(未就绪)
        Folder drive x:write protected信箱写保护
        From name is not you信标题的域不是ES使用的名
        Hexadecimal value required以太网地址使用了非16进制值,要求用16进制值
        Incorrect attachment field信件标题的Attach附加域中文件名格式不对
        Incorrect character in a name用户名的字符数大于8或有非法字符
        Incorrect data field内部错误(数据域不正确)
        Incorrect from: fieldFrom域中的用户名不正确
        Incorrect password, permission denied口令不正确,拒绝使用
        Incorrect to or cc list收信人的用户名格式不正确
        Initialize time failed
        Invalid driver or path name xxx for distribution list
        Invalid drive or path name xxx for folder驱动器或路径名无效
        Link unexpectedly broken未连接打印机却使用EP UNLINK命令
        Lru empty when trying to remove element内部错误
        Max of 2 characters驱动器标识符太长(最长2个字符)
        Max of 4 characters打印机名太长(最长4个字符)
        Max of 8 characters用户名或服务器名太长(最长8个字符)
        Maximum users using etherprint
        Maximum users logged in 不能再注册新用户(注册用户已达最大)
        Memory allocation error, cannot load command, system halted
        Message sent, EXCEPT to:发信后,服务器没响应
        Must supply a data field内部错误(必须有数据域)
        Must supply a from: fieldFrom域中必须只能有一个用户名
        Must supply a to: fieldTO域中必须有收信人地址或分发表名
        Must supply server name when not logged in to ethershare
        Name too big名字多于8个字符
        No enough memory内存不足
        No match 找不到匹配的名
        No new mall to get ES中没有新邮件
        No next message 信箱无信件
        No parameters for this command输入了多余的参数(该指令无参数)
        No volumes linked 没有连接的卷
        Not enough buffers to cache FAT应增加ES缓存区数量(无足够的缓存区)
        Not enough disk space, numkb remain 盘空间不足
        Nothing to delete信箱中无信件(没有要删除的信件)
        Nothing to file 信箱中无信件
        Nothing to forward 信箱中无信件
        Nothing to modifiedESMODIFY中没有要修改的参数
        Nothing to print信箱中无信件(没有需打印的信件)
        Nothing to reply to信箱中无信件(没有需回复的信件)
        Nothing to show信箱中无信件(没有需显示的信件)
        Out of paper假脱机文件错、共享盘满或连接后重安装打印机(缺纸)
        Password incorrect 口令不正确
        Password must be enclosed in parens口令需用括号括起
        Please log in first 请先用ES注册
        Please login first使用EM前必须用ESLOGIN或LOGIN注册
        Printer access failed假脱机文件不能在ES卷上生成
        Printer access failed打印机未连接或未就绪
        Printer not available打印机故障
        Printer not linked 打印机未连接
        Printer not support
        Read----unexpected EOF用CHKDSK检查盘(遇到了不期望的EOF)
        Rename----error reading dir sector用CHKDSK检查盘(更名__读目录区出错)
        RMDIR----error reading dir sector用CHKDSK检查盘(读目录区出错)
        Selection must be 1-14选择的范围必须是1-14之间
        Selection must be 1-n选择的范围必须是在1-n选项之间
        Semicolon(;) must be followed by a space分号后需有一个空格
        Server not ready服务器忙或未就绪
        Server not ready … are you logged in?
        服务器忙或未就绪 …你注册过吗?(使用EM前必须用ESLOGIN或LOGIN注册)
        Server not ready … correct login name用户名不对,服务器忙或未就绪
        Server SERVER not ready服务器未就绪
        Server(s) busy:服务器忙或未运行
        Skipping file FILE … not a valid message跳过文件…,不是一个有效信件
        The name xxx is not unique该服务器名不是唯一的
        The server is busy …,please try again服务器忙…,请再试
        The server is not responding:the server listed were either too busy to respond or were not operating
        This diskette has already been installed on another PC
        This diskette has already been registered该以太共享器已经注册
        Too many parameters …,ignored after xxx指定的参数太多,XXX之后的忽略
        Unknown command不可识别的EP命令
        Unknown command不可识别的ES命令
        Unlink-error reading dir sector用CHKDSK检查盘(不连接__读目录区出错)
        Unlinked anyway服务器故障(不能连接)
        Unrecoverable flexible diskette read error服务器软盘片有问题,读出错
        Use /L or a volume name, not both不能同时共享卷和已连接的共享卷列表
        USER unknown找不到指定的用户名
        USER already exists on server SERVER用户已经存在
        Value ignored from xxx忽略给出参数之后的参数
        Value ignored from xxx参数太多
        Value must be /1 or /2打印机号不正确(必须是1或2)
        Value must be PRN or, LPT1, LPT2 or LPT3
        Value must be supply此处必须提供值
        Value must be x:through x:值的范围必须是X到X
        VOLUME already exists卷名已经存在
        VOLUME has no assigned passwored
        VOLUME is a private volume and already in use指定了私有卷并已在使用
        VOLUME is linked试图删除或修改已连接的卷(该卷已连接)
        VOLUME is linked to x: … ok to unlink (Y/N)?终止卷连接的提问
        VOLUME not linked指定的卷未连接
        VOLUME space is full盘已满(卷区已满)
        VOLUME unknown不可识别的卷名
        Write protect error writing drive c, abort, retry, ignore?
        Write to network failed网络故障(写网络失败)

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