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don't eat in class单元测试卷

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don't eat in class单元测试卷简介:
don't eat in class单元测试卷,类型为七年级语文试题。由[发奋学习网|http://www.ff70.com ]提供下载交流学习,版权归原作者所有,

Unit 12  Don’t eat in class.
要点词汇:rule,in class,classroom,hallway,inside,outside,fight,have to,wash,cafeteria,sports shoes,gym,by be in bed,by 10 o’clock,clean the classroom,make dinner,take sb. for a walk
要点句型:Don’t eat in class.
Can we wear hats?   No,we can’t.
We don’t have to wear a school uniform.
语言结构:祈使句:表示请求、命令、叮嘱、号召等句子。谓语动词用原形,其否定形式为动词原形前加don’t,也可以加never例:Come here,please.
Let’s go. Dont’eat in class. Never do that again.
情态动词can可以表示“能、会、允许”等意思。没有数的变化,和它后面动词原形一起构成谓语。其否定形式是在can后加not。例He can ride a bike. He can’t swim. You can go now. Can I put my bike here? can 还可以表示推测:He can’t be there.
have to 不得不,必须,后接动词原形。例:I have to go now. He has to stay at school. We don’t have to wait for them. Does he have to finish his homework today?
(    )1. Don’t arrive late ________class.
A. for                    B. to                    C. in
(    )2. Can we eat ________class?
A. in                     B. to                    C. for
(    )3. You have to wear sports shoes ________gym class.
A. for                    B. to                    C. on
(    )4. My mother told me to go home ________ten o’clock.
A. in                     B. on                   C. by
(    )5. ________he ________to copy (抄写) all the words?
A. Does,has              B. Does,have            C. Do,have
(    ) 6. — ________I ________the drum here? — No,you can’t.
A. DO, play               B. Can, play             C. Did, play
(    )7. — ________run in the hallways. — Sorry.
A. Please                 B. Do                  C. Don’t
(    )8. You ________talk loudly in the library. Keep quiet (保持安静) here.
A. can                    B. can’t               C. have to
(    )9. Do you have ________dining hall in your school?
A. a                      B. an                  C. the
(    )10. ________do we have to bring with us?
A. What else               B. What other           C. What others
(    )1. Can you wear hats in school?
(    )2. Do you have to wear a uniform at school?
(    )3. What are the rules at your school?
(    )4. Don’t put your bike in the hallways.
(    )5. Please help me do some washing.
A. Don’t arrive late for class. Don’t fight.
B. OK.
C. Yes,we can.
D. Yes,I do.
E. Sorry. But where can I put it?
1. We study Chinese,English,math and ________lessons.
2. I just find one of my shoes. Where is the________?
3. What ________can you see in the sky (天空)?
4. Anything ________I can do for you?
5. Did you see anybody________?
答案:else    else和other都可译为“其他的”,但else用在疑问词和不定代词后面,而other放在名词的前面,或单独用。
例:Where else do you want to go?你还想去其他哪些地方?
That must be somebody else’s book.那一定是别人的书。
The other books are my sister’s.其他的书是我姐姐的。
The others are my sister’s,其他的,是我姐姐的。
  Help the old woman  be in bed  take me for a walk  make us happy  clean our house
1. I have to ________________by ten o’clock.
答案:be in bed
2. It’s a fine day,Daddy. Can you ________________?
答案:take me for a walk
3. Let’s________________. She is too old and she hasn’t children.
答案:help the old woman
4. My mother ________________every day. She always makes it clean and tidy.
答案:cleans our house
5. Books________________.
答案:make us happy
1. nothing else________________           2. other subject__________________
3. by yesterday_______________           4. without breakfast_______________
5. meet my friends____________           6. 打扫教室_____________________
7. 擦课桌___________________          8.带狗去散步_____________________
9. 帮妈妈做饭_______________           10. 谈论学校的规章制度__________
答案:1.没有其他的   2.其他科目   3.到昨天为止   4.没吃早饭  5.会见/遇见/迎接我的朋友   6.clean the classroom   7.clean the desks   8.take the dog for a walk   9.help my mom(to)make dinner/(to)cook   10.talk about the school rules
1. Emily has to p       the guitar every afternoon.
2. There are too many r       in our school.
3. All the students wear their school u       on Monday.
4. Wear your s       shoes tomorrow for gym class.
5. It’s very cold o      It’s windy.
1.________    2.________    3.________    4.________    5.________
答案:1.practme   2.rules   3.uniforms   4.sports   5.outside
  go  practice  clean  watch  on  by  after  can’t  can  what  either  too
A: Can you go to the movies tonight,Emily?
B: No,I   1   . I can’t go out   2   school nights.
A: Oh,that’s too bad. Icangoout,but I have to be at home   3   ten o’clock.
B: You’re lucky (你真走运). I have so many rules.
A:   4   you go with me after school this afternoon?
B: No,I can’t   5   out with my friends after school.
A: Why?
B: I have a lot of homework to do. I have to do my homework   6   school.
A: Oh,I do,too. And I have to   7   the guitar every day.
B: Well,I have to   8   my room every weekend. And I can’t   9   TV.
A: I can’t,   10  .
1.________    2.________    3.________    4.________    5.________
6.________    7.________    8.________    9.________    10.________
答案:1.can’t    根据问句,和本句No,这里选can’t。
2.on    atnight,in/during the night在晚上,on Sunday night在星期日晚上。on the night of13.June在6月13日晚。
3.by    by在……以前,不晚于。
4.Can    今天下午放学后你能跟我一起去吗?
5.go    go out外出,出去。
6.after    根据上文知放学后要做作业。after school放学后。
7.practice    练习吉他。
8.clean    clean the room打扫房间。
9.watch    watch TV看电视。
10.either    这里应填“也”,too用于肯定句,either用于否定句。
综合训练卷(50分钟  满分100分)
(    )1. Stop ________Listen to the teacher.
A. talk               B. to talk            C. talked              D. talking
答案:D    stop talking停止讲话,别讲了。
(    )2. We have ________school uniforms at school.
A. wear              B. to wear           C. wears              D. wearing
答案:B    have to必须,不得不,后接动词原形。
(    )3. Jim has ________sisters.
A. a                 B. the               C. no                 D. not
答案:C    Jim没有姐妹。
(    )4. Ann ________get home by six in the afternoon.
A. have              B. has               C. have to             D. has to
答案:D    主语是Ann(单数第三人称),动词用has,has to必须,不得不。
(    )5. Linda ________school at 7:30 in the morning.
A. gets             B. arrives           C. gets to            D. arrives to
答案:C    get to到达。arrive后要接in或at。
(    )6. We often help the old man________.
A. to do some cleaning                 B. cleaned
C. cleans                            D. cleaning
答案:A    hdp sb.do/to do sth.帮助某人做某事。
(    )7. ________you help me ________my work?
A. Do,in          B. Can,with         C. Are,with           D. Are,do
答案:B    help sb.with sth。在哪方面帮助某人。
(    )8. He’ll ________get up early tomorrow morning (明天早上).
A. can             B. has              C. has to             D. have to
答案:D    He’11=He will,will do sth.将要做某事。
(    )9. ________talk in class!
A. No             B. Not              C. Don’t            D. Have to
答案:C    否定祈使句,don’t+动词原形+…。
(    )10. ________wet umbrellas.
A. No             B. Not              C. Don’t            D. Aren’t
答案:A    这里“伞”是名词,前面用no。
(    )11. Does he have to practice ________ English every day.’?
A. to speak        B. speaking           C. to say             D. saying
答案:B    practice doing sth.练习做某事。
(    )12. The sign (标记)“________”means that you can’t talk here.
A. No tatking     B. No photos          C. No food           D. Turn right
答案:A    选A,不要讲话,不要交谈。
(    )13. Can you ________the new student to his classroom?
A. look         B. find                C. take               D. help
答案:C    take sb.to some place带某人去某地。
(    )14. He has too ________things to do today.
A. many         B. much             C. little               D. well
答案:A    本题四个选项中只有many才能修饰可数名词。
(     )15. You can park your car ________our house.
A. on            B. at               C. outside            D. inside
答案:C    只能让别人把车停在屋外面,而不可能是屋里面。
1. He is a boy of 12.
  He is a________ ________.
2. He is late for class.
  He ________ ________for class.
3. I don’t know.
  I have _________ _______.
4. We can’t live if there is no Water.
  We can’t live ________ ________.
5. He plays basketball well.
  He is ________at ________basketball.
1. He doesn’t like meat and cheese.                ________________
      A      B      C
答案:C,or    在否定句中,“他不喜欢……和……。”这里“和”不能用and,只能用or。
2. Not talk to the old man like that.                  ________________
  A   B              C
答案:A,Don’t    否定祈使句用don’t+动词原形。
3. The boys playing games on the playground now.    ________________
   A        B          C
答案:B,are playing    现在进行时态用:be(am,is,are)+现在分词表示。
4. Tom wants playing the violin.                    ________________
       A     B   C
答案:B,toplay    wanttOdosth.想要做某事。
5. Don’t talking in class.                         ________________
   A          B  C
答案:A,No    No talking.禁止讲话。don’t后应接原形。in class在课堂上。
    Many students like   1   very much. But   2   Monday to Friday,they must go to school. So on Saturday and Sunday they   3   at home and watch TV from morning to night. They don’t know it’s bad for their eyes. Usually children like to eat fish,meat and chicken. don’t like vegetables   4   fruit. They don’t know   5   more vegetables and fruit is   6   than eating meat.
    At school the children only do a few minutes of sport or   7   do any sport. The teachers must know it isn’t good for   8   health.
    We always think of ways to keep   9   We must eat   10   vegetables and fruit,do enough (足够的) sport every day. And we should watch TV and read in right ways.
(    )1. A. watch TV          B. watch the TV
       C. watching TV        D. watching the TV
答案:C    1ike doing sth.喜欢做某事。
(    )2. A. on             B. and             C. from               D. to
答案:C    form…to…从……到……。
(    )3.A. stay            B. live             C. sit                 D. leave
答案:A    stay停留。live住,生活。
(    )4.A. and            B. with             C. or                 D. but
答案:C    不喜欢蔬菜和水果,在否定句中,这个“和”要用or表示。
(    )5.A. buying         B. eating            C. getting             D. keeping
答案:B    5~6.本句know后接的是一个宾语从句。该从句的主语是eating more vegetables and fruit,这是个动名词短语,谓语部分是:is better than eating meat.better更好,较好,
(    )6.A. good           B. better            C. bad                D. worse
(    )7.A. often           B. sometimes        C. usually             D. never
答案:D    never从不,决不。
(    )8.A. them           B. they             C. their               D. theirs
答案:C    be good for sb./sth.对某人/某事有益处。
(    )9.A. health          B. healthy           C. busy              D. free
答案:B    keep healthy保持健康。
(    )10. A. more          B. much            C. a lot              D. many
答案:A    more是many和much的比较级,更多、较多。
    Tom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each other. Sometimes they were not. But some of their classmates said they were like brothers.
    One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant (饭馆) to have lunch. The waiter came up to them and asked,“What can I do for you?”
    “Please bring us two apples first,”said Tom.
    When the waiter put the two apples on the table,Mike took the bigger one at once. Tom got angry.“You are impolite (没礼貌). Why didn’t you take the smaller one?”Tom said.
    “But I was right,” said Mike with a smile.“If I let you take first, which one will you choose?”
    “Of course I’ll take the smaller one,”said Tom.“Yes,” Mike said,“If you take the smaller one,the bigger one will be mine. Don’t you think so?”
    “Oh,”Tom couldn’t answer.
(    )1. Tom and Mike were________.
A. not always kind to each other
B. not students in the same class
C. brothers
D. not classmates
答案:A    见第一自然段,特别是第二、三两句。他们有时候相互友善,有时候不友善。
(    )2. One day they went out________
A. to have lunch                      B. to take a walk
C. to buy apples                      D. to sit in a restaurant
答案:B    见第二自然段,特别是第一句话:他们出去散步。这是他们出去的目的。中午饿了,他们才进餐馆,吃中饭,买苹果,这些是以后发生的事,不是他们出去的目的。
(    )3. The waiter brought them ________before the meal.
A. two eggs          B. two oranges        C. two apples         D. some milk
答案:C    见第三自然段:“首先给我们拿两个苹果。”Tom说。
(    )4. Mike took the ________apple.
A. better            B. bigger             C. smaller            D. worse
答案:B    见第四自然段第一句,当服务员把两个苹果放在桌上,…Mike took(take的过去式)the bigger(big的比较级)one…。
(    )5. Who ate the bigger apple finally? ________.
A. Mike                              B. Tom
C. Both Tom and Mike                  D. Nobody
答案:A    见第五自然段到最后。Mike和Tom争论的结果是:如果Tom先拿,Toni会拿小的,那么大一点的还是Mike的。
New Century Computer Town
Liu Huifang  Manager
23 Taiping Road Wuhan 430050
Tel: 027—87445888  Fax: 027—87445888
Mobile: 13807274118

Tiantian Taxi Company
Xie Jun    Driver
235 Daxing Street  Wuhan  430062
Tel: 027—87564321
BP: 19923016363
6.________is a driver,and ________is a businessman (商人).
答案:Xie Jun,Liu Huifang    见两个名片各自的第二行,manager经理。
7. Both of them live in ________.
答案:Wuhan    both of them他们俩人都,后面的动词用复数,见两张名片各自的第三行。
8. If you want to buy a computer,you can go to the ________.
答案:New Century Computer Town    如果你想要买一台电脑,你可以去新世界电脑城。
9. When you want to take a taxi to the New Century Computer Town,you can call ________at________.
答案:Xie Jun,027-87564321 or 19923016363    当你想打的去新世纪电脑城时,你可给……打电脑,号码是……,见么二张名片。
10. You can’t send fax to the________.
答案:Tiamian Taxi Compmay    你不能给……发电传。比较着看这两张名片,很容易发现,第二张名片无传真号。
(必须) ,keep it clean and tidy(保持清洁和整齐) ,hand in(交),throw(扔)。
答案:Clasps Rules.
1.Dan’t arrive late for class.
2.Dan’t eat in the classroom.
3.Don’t run in the hallway.
4.Dan’t fight.We must help each other.
5.Clean the classroom carefully and keep it clean and tidy.
6.Finish our homework on time and hand in before 7:30 in the morning.
7.Don’t throw anything out of the windows.
8.We must listen carefully in class.

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