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八年级英语上册 Unit2《 What’s the matter》(第1课时)教案 人教新目标版

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八年级英语上册 Unit2《 What’s the matter》(第1课时)教案 人教新目标版

课题:八年级上 Unit 2
第 1课时
上 课 日 期:________
学习目标:1. Learn Section A, P7---8.
2 记住下列单词: Parts of the body ; words abou t illness
3. Understand and recite : What`s t he matter ? I have a headache./ He shouldn`t eat anything
一、 出示学习目标:
二、 Learn Section A,(10分钟)
1 Look at the picture in the book and tell the words.
2 write out the words (a –m )
3 Ask the ss to read the new words. Talk about the picture
4 2a and 2b Learn the words and ma ke a conversation
1 lie down and rest
2Hot tea with honey
3See a dentist
4 Drink lots of water
5 I have a headache.
6 You should go to bed.
7 He has a stomachache.
8 He shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours.
9 She has a toothache.
10 She should see a dentist
11 I have a sore throat.
12 You should go to see a doctor.

三、教师抽查,同学互查, 对背诵中出现的问题加以讲解。
1翻译:1 我头疼。.2. 你应该睡觉了。
3 他不应该吃东西。 4 他牙疼。
一 翻译下列短语翻译并熟记
1 躺下 2 放蜜的热茶 3 看牙医 4 大量的
5 患了感冒 6 发烧 7 感到好多了 8 你怎么了?
二 用所给词的适当形式填空
1 The fat woman should_________(take) more exercise.
2 No w I _________ _(not feel) well.
3 We all hope you will feel ________(well) than before.
4 1The little baby has two ________(tooth)
三、 改写句子
1 She has a toothache.(提问) ________ ________ _______ ______?
2 Lie down and rest, p lease.(用should改为同义句)_______ _______ Lie down and rest.
3 You should eat something for 24 hours. (否定句)
You ______ eat ________ for 24 hours.
4 He has to mend the bike after work (提问)
_______ ______ he ______ _____ ______ after work?
6 What's wrong with you ?(同义 句) ______ _____ _______ with you?.
I have a headache.
You should go to bed.He has a stomachache.
He shouldn’t eat anything for 24 hours.
She has a toothache .
She should see a dentist
I have a sore throat.
You should go to see a do ctor.


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